Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Moral outrage is valid

Moral outrage is a perfectly valid emotion for you, but don’t expect everyone to share it. To say that everyone finds something reprehensible in murder is to claim that all people must like the taste of coffee.


  1. I do not think that the comparison is valid.
    We cannot wish murder to become a universal law because we would be threatened in our existence ourselves.
    Whereas liking or not liking the taste of coffee does not matter very much.
    I can drink tea or beer instead.

  2. 'We cannot wish murder to become a universal law because we would be threatened in our existence ourselves. '

    There are lots of people who believe in universal laws that might end up killing them. I have a friend who would die for his country; my other friend would not want to die for her country.

    If a person does not find the thought of being murdered abhorrent, it would be hard for us to call their view abhorrent.

    If a person does not wish to be 'good', how can we object when they fail to be so?
