Friday, February 20, 2009

How can the universe be wrong?

You hear a lot of criticism - this is wrong, that is wrong - really what is wrong and what is right dominates our speech and our thought.

Yet all that happens is the universe's doing. Call something wrong, and do not be mistaken - it is the universe you censure.

And if you find something correct, you are giving your endorsement to the universe that created you. You, a product of the universe, and one who cannot step outside and judge, are this day saying that the universe has done a fine thing, in your opinion.

Well I'm sure the universe is gladdened by your approval.


  1. Why did you stop posting in this blog?

    Did you rest your case?

  2. It's more than I still don't feel clear enough on it all for me to write. The more I study Zen the less I feel able to post. Sorry.

    Perhaps it will change soon

  3. Hi, Im from Melbourne Australia.

    Please check out these references on Reality & Truth.

    Reality Is No In The Middle via this url
